Help and Frequently Asked Questions

The frequently asked questions found here are related to the shop as a whole.

What is your standard delivery time?

We operate a standard 5-7 day free delivery

Where can I find product specific FAQs?

These can be found within the product page under the key features.

Do you delivery items inside the house?

It’s kerbside delivery as the appliances come on a pallet. You would need two persons to carry the appliances into the home. We can offer a service to deliver inside at additional cost.

What about the guarantee?

Each appliance has its own guarantee. However, when installed with an approved Schiedel or Specflue chimney system, then the appliance and chimney will be guaranteed for 10 to 20 years, depending on the chimney type.

Do you offer installation?

We don’t offer installation, but recommend a HETAS, OFTEC, BPEC installer, or a competent builder / engineer having the installation signed off by BUILDING CONTROL

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